Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Way Cool -- Igloo Factory, Katy TX

October 1, 2007.

I normally travel from Austin to Houston on Hwy 290, but once in a while I decide to go down Hwy 71 and then shoot straight into Hoston on I-10. I'm really glad I did recently, because for the first time I had the time to stop at the Igloo plant (at the Igloo Road exit, of all places) in Katy TX. I cracked up when I saw their guardhouse to the loading dock area -- it was one of those little playmate coolers, complete with a round window (you know, the place where you push in the button to open the lid on the real ones). The guard was great about letting me take the picture, telling me he was known as "the guy in the cooler." I hope that doesn't mean he's spent some time in jail! You can't tour the plant without getting permission beforehand, but there is an outlet store open during regular business hours, and inside the plant entrance there is a wall filled with posters describing the history of Igloo. As is fitting with that part of Texas, the company essentially got its start by making containers that kept water cool for oilfield workers. That hot Texas sun, once more, is the mother of invention!!


Unknown said...

We have this same cooler. 30 years old and still going strong!


Unknown said...


I have a website with a guide on the different types of Igloo cooler parts available. I think it would match well with your page here.

In a link exchange, each party simply puts a link to each other's page on their website. This can increase trust with the search engines, increasing rankings for both parties. If you're interested, send me an email at:

pbyservices @